Image of Bahia Tortugas fishing village in 1955.

Arun Agrawal, School of Environment an Sustainability, University of Michigan

Bia’ni Madsa’ Juárez López, Indigenous Medicine Conservation Fund


Commons and commoning

We compare the emergence of fishing and forest commons in Mexico and India to examine the multi-stranded emergence of commoning and its effect on outcomes of longevity, distribution of benefits, and other institutional features of commons. First, the analysis shows how it is not just commoners, but also public and private agents whose collective contributions are necessary to the creation of commons. Two, the analysis highlights how features of the commoning process shape both the structure and the outcomes of associated commons institutions. The comparative case studies provide an empirical basis for developing a framework through which to understand how features of commoning affect institutional arrangements and performance. We end with a call for closer engagement between researchers working on the commons and those concerned with the emancipatory politics of commoning.

Publications (in progress)

Fiona Gladstone and Arun Agrawal. The multi-stranded emergence of commoning in postrevolutionary Mexico and colonal India. Under review.

Fiona Gladstone and Madsa’ Juarez. Communities for Autonomy: Building local institutions for territorial defense and self-determination in Indigenous Mexico. In preparation.

Arun Agrawal; Ashwini Chhatre; Alexandra Paige Fischer; Brian C Weeks; Fiona Gladstone; Bia'ni MJ Lopez. Commons and commoning. In preparation.